Car brake pads

4 Tips To Keep Your Brake Pads In Good Condition

It goes without saying, but looking after your brake pads can extend their lifespan, and ensure they are operating at their best. Your car’s brakes are one of its most crucial parts, so it’s critical that they’re in good operating order to keep you and other drivers safe. In this guide, we share 4 tips to help keep your brake pads in good condition.

1. Stick To The Speed Limit

Did you know that speeding can actually cause significant harm to your brake pads? This is because abrupt stops, whether necessary for emergencies or even traffic signals, can place a strain on your braking system. So, if you’d like to protect the longevity and functionality of your brakes, sticking to the speed limit may prevent the need for sudden braking. Needless to say, driving responsibly also helps to keep you and other road users safe.

2. Keep Your Wits About You

As mentioned, sudden braking can wreak havoc on your vehicle’s brake pads. Although keeping your speed in check can reduce the need for abrupt stops, you should also look out for hazards which may require you to slow down or halt. Staying focused whilst driving can ensure you are prepared to use your brakes in good time, and avoid causing unnecessary damage to your vehicle.

3. Arrange Annual Servicing

A great tip to keep your brake pads in good condition is to book your car in for a service once per year. Over time, your braking system is bound to be subject to some wear and tear, so having a professional maintain them on an annual basis is sensible. A mechanic will be able to complete any necessary adjustments or repairs to guarantee your pads are working at their best for longer.

4. Don’t Overload Your Vehicle

Storing weighty objects in your vehicle can seriously take a toll on your brake pads. So, unless it’s crucial that you keep certain belongings in your car, we recommend removing any heavy objects as soon as possible. If you really need to keep specific items in the vehicle, upgrading to a more robust model or van may be a better option. However, you should still remove heavy objects on a frequent basis to avoid straining the brakes.

If You’re Concerned About Your Vehicle's Brake Pads, Get In Touch Today

Our experienced team can identify a range of issues, and offer expert repairs at affordable prices. Please contact us to find out more.

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